Most Recent Additions*


2018 Research & Scholarship Schedule
Center for Collaboration and Development


Acute health care utilization in the first 24 months postpartum by rurality and pregnancy complications: A prospective cohort study
Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD; Kristin Palmsten ScD; Charlie O. Grantham; Heather S. Lipkind MD, MS; and Christina M. Ackerman‐Banks MD


Paid Family Leave Programs—Understanding the Consequences for Infant Health
Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD; Teresa Janevic PhD, MPH; and Jennifer A. Hutcheon PhD


Using mothers as the denominator
Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD


Machine learning‐based placental clusters and their associations with adverse pregnancy outcomes
Julie M. Petersen; Samantha R. Parker; Kimberly A. Dukes; Jennifer A. Hutcheon; Katherine A. Aherns MPH, PhD; and Martha M. Werler

*Updated as of 04/19/24.