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State of Maine Handbook for Hazardous Waste Generators
Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta, Maine 1995.
Contents: Introduction to Hazardous Waste / Purpose of This Handbook / Who Generates Hazardous Waste and How? / How Do I Determine If I Generate Hazardous Waste? / Am I a Small Quantity Generator (SQG), an SQG Plus, or a Generator? / Hazardous Waste Management Practices / Manifesting Hazardous Waste / In Summary / Appendix A - D
Publication Date
Department of Environmental Protection
Augusta, Maine
Hazardous Wastes, Laws on Hazardous Waste, Farm Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Waste Chemicals, Handbooks on Hazardous Materials
Chemicals and Drugs | Consumer Protection Law | Environmental Health | Environmental Law | Environmental Public Health | Health Law and Policy | Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Environmental Health | Public Health | State and Local Government Law | Toxicology
Recommended Citation
Department of Environmental Protection, "State of Maine Handbook for Hazardous Waste Generators" (1995). Maine Collection. 87.
Creative Commons License
This work has been identified with a Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0.

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Chemicals and Drugs Commons, Consumer Protection Law Commons, Environmental Health Commons, Environmental Law Commons, Environmental Public Health Commons, Health Law and Policy Commons, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Commons, State and Local Government Law Commons, Toxicology Commons
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