"An Annotated Bibliography of OCS Documents in Maine" by Maine State Planning Office



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An Annotated Bibliography of OCS Documents in Maine

Outer Continental Shelf Memorandum 1

Compiled by Edward H. Shenton & Charles S. Colgan

Maine Coastal Program, Maine State Planning Office, Augusta, Maine, 1977.

Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. OCS - General / 3. OCS - Federal Regulations / 4. Economic Aspects / 5. Environmental Studies / 6. Oil Spills - Effects and Studies / 7. Onshore Effects / 8. The North Sea Experience / 9. Legal Aspects / 10. Petroleum Drilling Technology

Publication Date



Mane State Planning Office


Augusta, Maine


Offshore Development, Petroleum, Petroleum Exploration, Submerged Lands, Natural Gas, Oil Spills, Outer Continental Shelf, North Sea, Petroleum Drilling, Coastal Management, Oil and Gas Leasing, Offshore Drilling, Oil Exploration, Maine Coast, Georges Bank


Commercial Law | Energy and Utilities Law | Energy Systems | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Law | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Oil, Gas, and Energy | Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law | Other Earth Sciences | Power and Energy

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An Annotated Bibliography of OCS Documents in Maine



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