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Tourmaline - A Prospecting Guide for Massive Base-Metal Sulfide Deposits in the Penobscot Bay Area, Maine
by John F. Slack, U.S. Geological Survey
Special Economic Studies Series No.8
Maine Geological Survey, Department of Conservation, Augusta, Maine (June, 1980).
Contents: Abstract / Introduction / Geologic Setting / Massive Sulfide Deposits / Tourmaline Occurrences / Tourmaline: A Guide to Ore / Acknowledgements / References Cited
Publication Date
Maine Geological Survey
Augusta, Maine
Economic Geology, Mineral Exploration, Ore Guides, Mineral Prospecting, Tourmaline, Harborside Mine, Base Metals, Mineral Deposits, Minerals, Gems, Ring Silicates, Silicates, Metal Ores, Copper Ores, Zinc Ores, Sulfides, Diagenesis, Dravite, Ellsworth Formation, Castine Formation, Penobscot Formation, Ellsworth Schist, Black Hawk Mine, Castine Volcanics, Penobscot Bay Region, Hancock County, Kennebec County, Knox County, Penobscot County, Waldo County, Mines, Mineral Resources
Earth Sciences | Geochemistry | Geology | Geomorphology | Mineral Physics | Other Earth Sciences | Sedimentology | Stratigraphy | Tectonics and Structure | Volcanology
Recommended Citation
Slack, John F., "Tourmaline - A Prospecting Guide for Massive Base-Metal Sulfide Deposits in the Penobscot Bay Area, Maine" (1980). Maine Collection. 124.
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