Document Type


Publication Date



South Portland Citizens for Justice, Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, City Ordinance, Election 1998, South Portland, Maine, Human Rights Ordinance, 1998 Human Rights Ordinance South Portland



South Portland Citizens for Justice was a group seeking a local ordinance against discrimination based on sexual orientation. The group campaigned in support of the proposed Human Rights Ordinance, which was on the ballot in the November 3, 1998 election. The Archives contains newspaper articles (clippings and entire issues) that relate to the 1998 Human Rights Ordinance. Also included are items from the South Portland Citizens for Justice organization, such as correspondence, publications, posters, stickers, and press packets.

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

2.5 ft.



The South Portland Citizens for Justice Archives was donated by David Aaron Swander in 1999.

Ownership and Literary Rights:

The South Portland Citizens for Justice Archives are the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or her/his legal heirs and assigns.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections,



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