"LG MS 035 Ryan Conrad Collection Finding Aid" by Katharine Renolds Thomas

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Ryan Conrad, Against Equality, Same-Sex Marriage, HIV/AIDS, ACT UP, Future of the Past, Annette Dragon, Outright L/A, Lewiston/Auburn, Drag, New Jersey 4 (NJ4), Anarchism, Naughty North, The Prisoner Correspondence Project



Ryan Conrad is a radical queer activist. He is co-founder of Naughty North, an inter-generational radical queer/trans direct action collective in Maine. He participates as a volunteer, board member, and/or advisor for a number of community organizing groups, including EquityFund (board member 2008-present), Outright Lewiston/Auburn (Special Projects Coordinator and volunteer advisor, 2006-present), Maine HIV Prevention Community Planning Group (2009-present), and Maine Video Activist Network (co-founder and volunteer, 2006-present), among others. Conrad curated the June 2009 exhibition "Future of the Past: Reviving the Queer Archives" at Maine College of Art. The Collection contains materials related to radical queers in Maine and elsewhere, and the case of the "New Jersey 4." It includes newsletters, posters, signs, a halter top, pins, a 'zine about radical queer moments, literary publications, and videos. Of particular interest are materials from and about the exhibition of Annette Dragon’s photographs which Conrad curated at MECA in 2009.

Date Range:


Size of Collection:

2.25 ft.



The collection was donated by Ryan Conrad between 2007 and 2011.

Ownership and Literary Rights:

The Ryan Conrad Collection is the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator or his/her legal heirs and assigns. For further information, consult the Head of the Special Collections.

For further information, consult the Head of Special Collections, susie.bock@maine.edu



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