"GIS Feasibility Study" by New England Environmental Finance Center

GIS Feasibility Study

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Information regarding the location and type of conserved lands is key to numerous land use and environmental decisions by federal, state, and local agencies, as well as by private individuals and developers. Under the terms of a long-term Cooperative Agreement with the EPA, the Muskie School is committed to "assess the feasibility of developing a GIS-based inventory of conservation lands in New England." This task is assessing whether a single database of conserved land in New England is feasible and desirable. It is beginning with an assessment of available data and the development of a long-term plan to create the regional database and to make it available on-line to potential users, public and private. If this initial study demonstrates feasibility, a grant application will be assembled to secure funding from a variety of federal and private sources for the full-scale project, with demonstration of its potential uses and applications.

Conserved lands of interest include federal, state, and local park lands, lands owned by private land trusts, conservation easements, and other forms of both wholly and partially owned lands.

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