The Two-Edged Scalpel: Health Care and the Rural Economy
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book chapter from Health Care and Tourism: A Lead Sector Strategy for Rural Maine.
Revitalization in rural Maine is possible through state-level long-term planning and strategic initiatives. The Maine Center for Economic Policy's Spreading Prosperity project focuses on how to improve on past rural development efforts and make new gains, specifically in the six rural "rim" counties - Oxford, Franklin, Somerset, Pscataquis, Aroostook, and Washington.
Charles Colgan and David Hartley's Chapter 4 starts from the premise that health care services should be viewed as a major economic sector, indeed as a growing export sector, not simply as a supplier of services that enhance rural residents' well-being. Strategic proposals in Chapter 4 center on strengthening state initiatives in human resource development, technology, and organization.
Publication Date
Maine Center for Economic Policy
Augusta, ME
Recommended Citation
Colgan, Charles, and David Hartley. "The Two-Edged Scalpel: Health Care and the Rural Economy." Health care and tourism : a lead sector strategy for rural Maine, edited by David Vail and Lisa Pohlmann, Maine Center for Economic Policy, 2007.
The mission of the Maine Center for Economic Policy is to advance public policy solutions to help Maine people prosper in a strong, fair, and sustainable economy. MECEP is an independent, non-partisan research organization and one of thirty state groups funded through the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative. The SFAI is funded by the Ford, Charles Stewart Mott, Annie E. Casey and Stoneman Family Foundations and the Open Society Institute.