"Connecting to the community: A case study in women's resettlement need" by Becky Hayes Boober and Erica King MSW
Connecting to the community: A case study in women's resettlement needs and experiences

Connecting to the community: A case study in women's resettlement needs and experiences


Document Type

Book Chapter


Working With Women Offenders in the Community builds on ideas presented in the editors’ previous book, What Works With Women Offenders (2007), extending the focus particularly on women offenders in the community rather than in prison. This book concentrates on women who have committed criminal offences and who may have been placed on probation or other community based court orders or who have been released from prison on parole. It discusses the work done by professional workers including probation officers, community corrections officers and specialist case managers in areas such as drug treatment, housing, mental health or employment programmes.

This book will be of interest to professional probation officers, case managers, drug treatment workers and others who work with women offenders. It will also be essential reading for students of criminology, social work, psychology, sociology and other disciplines who have an interest in women offenders.



Publication Date





New York


Justice Policy


Civil Procedure | Criminal Procedure | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Law and Gender | Law and Society | Law Enforcement and Corrections | Social Policy | Social Welfare


From the book Working with Women Offenders in the Community.

Recommended citation:

Boober, B. H., & King, E. H. (2011). Connecting to the community: A case study in women's resettlement needs and experiences. In R. Sheehan, G. McIvor & C. Trotter (Eds.), Working with women offenders in the community (pp. 319-341). Abingdon U.K. ; New York: Willan.

Connecting to the community: A case study in women's resettlement needs and experiences

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