In Beuelch, das Euangelion belangendt Heinrich, a staunch Lutheran, announces the death of his brother the Duke George of Albertine Saxony, an equally committed Catholic, and decrees that Saxony is now to follow the reformed religion.

Historia vnd beschreibung des Magdenburgischen kriegs, a news pamphlet, details the various events during the siege of the Protestant city of Magdeburg by imperial forces in 1551. The city surrendered but retained its religious freedom. This is the only copy in a North American library.

Appellation... is an appeal to the Bishop of Bamber justifying the ecclesiastical changes in Nuremberg. Nuremberg was one of the first cities to implement the Reformation by civil decree.

Georg Witzel, a Catholic priest who converted to Lutheranism, explains, in response to the attacks of Lutherans against him, his break with Luther and return to the Church of Rome in Apologia...

Beuelch, das Euangelion belangendt

Beuelch, das Euangelion belangendt

Historia vnd beschreibung des Magdenburgischen kriegs

Historia vnd beschreibung des Magdenburgischen kriegs

Appellation vnnd Beruffung der Prœbst vnnd des Augustiner Priors zu Nüremberg

Appellation vnnd Beruffung der Prœbst vnnd des Augustiner Priors zu Nüremberg

Apologia, das ist, ein vertedigs rede Georgij Wicelij widder seine affterreder die Luteristen, mit sampt kurtzer abconterfeyung Luterischer secten, vnd preis alter Römischen Kirchen, nützlich zu lesen

Apologia, das ist, ein vertedigs rede Georgij Wicelij widder seine affterreder die Luteristen, mit sampt kurtzer abconterfeyung Luterischer secten, vnd preis alter Römischen Kirchen, nützlich zu lesen