"Thomas Bay Salt Marsh Restoration" by Casco Bay Estuary Partnership


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For several years, CBEP has worked in close collaboration with Brunswick through the New Meadows Watershed Partnership. The Adams Road project grew out of an exploratory site visit between CBEP staff and the Brunswick Natural Resource Planner during which the round pipe culvert was observed to be undersized and deteriorating. Subsequent discussions with Public Works revealed an opportunity to match Town infrastructure needs with habitat restoration goals, and plans were made to solicit external federal grant funding. CBEP subsequently wrote a successful habitat restoration grant proposal to the Gulf of Maine Council/NOAA Habitat The Adams Road culvert at Thomas Bay Marsh was replaced in August 2011. CBEP Implementation Review June 12, 2012 Restoration Partnership to replace the culvert with a larger volume pipe arch culvert. After close to a year spent on designs and permitting, the culvert was replaced on August 17, 2011.


Habitat Restoration, Tidal; Marsh


Brunswick, Casco Bay watershed, New Meadows watershed, Thomas Bay



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