"Osprey Nest Abundance, Distribution, and Productivity in Casco Bay" by Chris DeSorbo


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With support from the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP), and in collaboration with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) initiated efforts to collect a 3-year (2011-2013) baseline on Osprey nest abundance, distribution, and productivity in Casco Bay. This survey effort represents the first comprehensive inventory ever to be conducted on Ospreys in Casco Bay, and it will enable evaluations of long-term population trends by comparing to existing datasets held by the MDIFW. Findings from the 2011 season are summarized in a full report submitted to CBEP (DeSorbo et al.2013). Here, we provide a brief summary of the results of the Osprey survey conducted in 2012 (year two). The purpose of this report is to provide a brief summary of preliminary findings from the 2012 season. An in-depth comparison to 2011 findings and a more extensive analysis of the factors contributing to overall patterns observed will be the subject of future reports.


Birds; Monitoring Species


Casco Bay, Casco Bay watershed, Fore RIver



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