"Highland Lake Fish Passage Restoration (Fact Sheet)" by Elaine Tremble, Department of Marine Resources et al.


Document Type

Fact Sheet

Publication Date



Renovating the fishway and restoring the degraded stream channel at Highland Lake Dam will improve upstream and downstream passage for diadromous (sea-run) fish – especially alewives. Historically, alewives had enjoyed free access to Highland Lake’s spawning and nursery habitat, so this project will help restore the alewife population, enhance biological vitality, improve recreational opportunities and expand economic prospects in the Presumpscot River Watershed, Casco Bay and the Gulf of Maine. This restoration project represents one more important piece in the ongoing efforts of state and federal natural resource agencies, towns, non-government organizations and individual citizens to bring the Presumpscot River and its watershed back to life as a cornerstone of community, state and national pride!


Habitat Restoration, Fish Passage; Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Fact Sheets


Highland Lake



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