"Trout Brook: A Stream on the Road to Recovery" by Fred Dillon


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One recent sunny afternoon in April, Water Resource Protection Department staff met with University of Maine PhD student Thomas Parr to visit the Trout Brook Nature Preserve. Thomas’ research focuses on how urban environments affect stream health and he is interested in the work the City has been doing to improve Trout Brook. During his visit, Thomas was astonished to witness a juvenile trout leaping from the brook as it attempted to swim upstream. As luck would have it, he had a dip net on hand and was able to scoop the little fish from a plunge pool below a culvert crossing. This exciting discovery is direct physical evidence that Trout Brook is an apt name and that the stream may well be on the road to recovery.


Habitat Restoration, Fish Passage; Watersheds, Trout Brook


Casco Bay watershed, South Portland, Trout Brook



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