"Coastal Stormwater Management Through Green Infrastructure: A Handbook" by Environmental Protection Agency and Massachusetts Bay National Estuary Program


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Coastal Stormwater Management through Green Infrastructure: A Handbook for Municipalities (Handbook) is designed to assist coastal municipalities within the Massachusetts Bays Program (MassBays) area to incorporate green infrastructure into their stormwater management planning as they respond to MS4 stormwater permit requirements, review development proposals, and retrofit existing municipal facilities and sites. The MassBays Program can assist those municipalities in using this Handbook to facilitate the use of green infrastructure and address stormwater runoff.


EPA would like to thank the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program Director, Staff, and Regional Coordinators for reviewing the document and providing useful and valuable input. This handbook was developed under EPA Contract No. EP-C-11-009.


Stormwater; Habitat Protection





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