"Final Habitat Restoration Inventory Summary Report for the Lower Presu" by Northern Ecological Associates, Inc. and Casco Bay Estuary Partnership


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This Habitat Restoration Inventory Summary Report summarizes efforts by the Casco Bay Estuary Project (CBEP) to identify, evaluate, and document potential habitat restoration opportunities in, and directly adjacent to, waterbodies in the lower portion of the Presumpscot River Watershed in Maine (Figure 1). Specifically, inventories were conducted along the main branch of the Presumpscot River, the Presumpscot River Estuary, and the major tributaries to the Presumpscot River including Mill Brook, the East Branch of the Piscataqua, and the West Branch of the Piscataqua.

This report presents the objectives of the project, the methods used in site identification and evaluation process, and provides a summary of the restoration sites identified during this survey. This report includes the following: Restoration Site Data Forms (Volume II, Appendix A); a List of Restoration Sites and Restoration Site Summary Reports for all sites (Volume II, Appendix B); and additional figures, including the location of restoration sites on digital-orthoquads (Volume II, Appendix C).

Preparation of this document was funded by the Casco Bay Estuary Project under the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) assistance agreement (# CE 9817051) to the University of Southern Maine. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of CBEP or the USEPA.


This program is supported by the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Award #NA17FZ1390



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