"Casco Bay Workshop on Land Trusts and Climate Change Adaptation" by Casco Bay Estuary Partnership


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The workshop on land trusts and climate change adaptation was hosted by the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) for the Climate Ready Estuaries (CRE) Program on November 18, 2010, in Portland, Maine. Fourteen participants convened for this workshop, along with CBEP and ICF staff. Workshop participants represented land trusts from several different areas in Maine, as well as regional organizations such as Beginning with Habitat, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Maine Geological Survey, Maine Coast Heritage Trust, and the Maine Land Trust Network. Land trusts present at the workshop included Portland Trails (Land Trust for Portland), Portland North Land Trust Collaborative, Western Foothills Land Trust, Loon Echo Land Trust, Harpswell Heritage Land Trust, and Brunswick Topsham Land Trust.

The workshop objectives included (1) examine the potential impacts of climate change on land trusts; (2) foster discussion that will assist land trusts in incorporating climate change considerations into the planning process; and (3) gather information from the meeting to support a report to the wider Maine land trust community with findings on climate adaptation issues of concern to land trusts, information needs to support land trust climate adaptation planning, and tools to support planning efforts (flow charts, critical questions, ecological goals). These objectives focused discussions during the workshop.


Climate Change, Sea Level Rise; Habitat Protection


Casco Bay watershed



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