"Maine's Rural Health Challenges" by Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS and David Hartley PhD, MHA

Document Type

Policy Brief

Publication Date



rural health, Maine, MRHRC, USM Aging Initiative, Health and Wellness, Policy


This brief describes the issues affecting access to health care in rural Maine. These issues include Maine’s use of enhanced Medicare and Medicaid payments to support the rural health infrastructure, the adequacy of the provider workforce and the presence of training programs, the contribution of health care to the rural economy, and the high prevalence and unmet need for care for persons with substance use and mental health issues.


This issue brief is part of a series prepared for the Legislative Policy Forum on Health Care on January 26, 2007 by the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine and the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine.

Funding Organization

Funding was generously provided by the Maine Health Access Foundation.



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