"Adolescent Alcohol Use: Do Risk and Protective Factors Explain Rural-U" by John A. Gale MS, Jennifer D. Lenardson MHS et al.

Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Date



substance use disorders, behavioral health, MRHRC, rural, adolescents, alcohol


Using data from the 2008-2009 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, this study examines alcohol use among rural and urban adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17. We conduct bivariate and multivariate analyses of the prevalence of alcohol use across rural and urban areas and the relationships between alcohol use and potential protective or risk factors including parent relations, peer relations, school relations, and religious involvement.

Funding Organization

This study was funded under a Cooperative Agreement with the federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS .

Grant Number




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